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Things to remember when you change the domain name of your Drupal website

New domains
As you may have noticed, my domain name is now I've been wanting to change my domain name for some time now, for many reasons. People are often surprised that .xyz is a legitimate domain name despite Plus, If it weren't for my friends, this change would never have happened. They, very astutely, pointed out that it sounds like the domain name of a porn site.

Headless (decoupled) Drupal using Drupal 8 and angular 6

Headless Drupal
Headless Drupal or decoupled Drupal is when you use Drupal only as a storage for content and a frontend that gets the data from the Drupal backend via an API. The front end is usually a JavaScript framework like Angular or Vue. In this example, we use Angular 6 as a front end and we open up my website available as JSON objects via an API. This enabled me to create an Angular Single Page Application which pulls content from 

How to view your custom dimensions in google analytics reports?

Analytics Acquisition Dash
This article explains how to create custom reports in google analytics, assuming you have a google analytics account that tracks your site traffic. If you don't have one, create one, and set it up on your site using the Drupal 8 google analytics module. Go to This is how your dashboard will look like :

React vs Angular : The better head for the "Headless (decoupled) Drupal"

Angular vs Vue vs React
Drupal has always been criticized for its difficulty in creating truly good UI/UX, especially Drupal 7. In Drupal 8 this is considerably easier with the new twig engine. Even then there is a limitation to what we can do with the UI/UX. Don’t get me wrong, Drupal 8 backend is a godsend; extremely flexible and extensible. But to actually get that much flexibility in the front, we have to decouple.

React vs Angular : The better head for the "Headless (decoupled) Drupal"

React Angular Drupal
Drupal has always been criticized for its difficulty in creating truly good UI/UX, especially Drupal 7. In Drupal 8 this is considerably easier with the new twig engine. Even then there is a limitation to what we can do with the UI/UX. Don’t get me wrong, Drupal 8 backend is a godsend; extremely flexible and extensible. But to actually get that much flexibility in the front, we have to decouple.
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