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6 best linux distros for everyday use

Top Linux Distros
When it comes to choosing a Linux distribution, ease of use is often a crucial factor, especially for beginners or users transitioning from other operating systems. With the wide variety of Linux distributions available, it's important to understand which ones are known for their user-friendly design and straightforward user experience. In this comparison, we will take a closer look at popular Linux distributions such as Pop!_OS, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Manjaro, Fedora, MX Linux, Zorin OS, and Elementary OS, and evaluate their ease of use based on their interfaces, documentation, community support, pre-installed software, and overall user experience. Whether you're a seasoned Linux user or new to the world of open-source operating systems, this comparison will help you make an informed decision about which distribution may be the best fit for your needs and preferences.


Why I decided to use Scaleway to host my Drupal website?

Scaleway Logo
This website has been hosted on almost all of the major players in the cloud hosting business. I started out with Scaleway around 7 years ago when they were providing these small ARM options with 20GB SSD. It was the cheapest solution back then costing less than 5€. But that doesn't mean it wasn't a good solution. It was excellent! It was fast and reliable. But because it was ARM and at the time a 32-bit processor, many things like docker could not be properly installed. This is why I decided to look for alternatives, which eventually brought me back to Scaleway!

Setting up dev servers at home with Raspberry Pis

Raspberry PI Cluster

This is a personal project of mine that has excited me a lot. I have always been obsessed with Single Board Computers (SBC) and the amazing things we can do with them. One of the most popular SBC is Raspberry Pi. They have pioneered the hardware and software capabilities for SBCs. Now we can run an Ubuntu server on any Raspberry Pi device. With Raspberry Pi, you can easily set up a server cluster at home and even host your own website, provided you have a strong internet connection and uninterrupted power supply.

Configuring i3 window manager (I3WM) on debian (Jessie) lenovo thinkpad x260

Before going into the details of configuring i3wm, let me first introduce you to The Documentation of i3wm! Seriously. I don't even know why I'm writing this. Their documentation is fucking awesome! Firstly, I decided to go with i3wm, despite having Debian with Gnome is mainly because

Running debian (8) Jessie (backports) on lenovo thinkpad x260

Since the new Lenovo Thinkpad X260 houses the latest hardware like the i7-6500U skylake processor, Huawei ME906s LTE, Intel® Snowfield Peak 2 WiFi 2 x 2 802.11 a/c with Bluetooth® M.2 (vPro™) etc as mentioned here, things like WiFi, the graphics card and the LTE 3G port may not work with the stable release of Debian 8 (Jessie). This is because since you choose Debian stable, the software is a little bit outdated compared to other distributions. Stability at the cost of obsolescence. Fortunately, we have a not-so-unstable unstable version of Jessie aka Debian Jessie backports!
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